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We recommend you try it, and if it doesn't cause issues, keep it in your launch options.

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It will make the CS:GO process higher priority, and therefore, your computer will give resources (RAM, CPU, etc) to CS:GO instead of any other processes that you are running. Isn't a launch option that we've included in the above copy text because it can cause some issues for a small portion of computers.

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It's debated whether this has any noticeable effect on performance, but it's really, really unlikely that it'd hurt to have it in your launch options, so we've included it! Will remove joystick support from the game, which may free up RAM. We've included it as players will find this video to be a minor inconvenience that they wouldn't mind getting rid of! Will remove the short Valve video clip that plays when CS:GO launches. Most players will have turned this off, but we have included this as it will offer a benefit to anyone who hasn't. It removes the FPS cap that is enabled by default. Is actually a console command that you can use as a launch option. Sets the tick rate of any "Offline With Bots" games, or any servers that you host via your client to 128 (as opposed to 64). tickrate 128 +fps_max 0 -novid -nojoy What Do These Do? The launch options that you should be running are: There are some launch options that will be useful for everyone, but the benefit they provide can be fairly small, so to be clear: they aren't a magic solution for bad aim! We told a white lie when we said that launch options aren't a "one size fits all" tool. Launch Options Everybody Should Be Using.We've separated this guide into several sections, so that you can view our recommendations based on your needs: There are some launch options that will offer a benefit to everyone, albeit a small one. They are the most used and most tested.".Īlthough we don't entirely disagree with what the Valve employee has said, we think that in some cases launch options can help out. There most certainly isn't a "one size fits all" option - infact, a Valve employee on Reddit has said that "Best launch options are no launch options. Unfortunately launch options aren't a silver bullet for most players, and as we said above, lots of guides will falsely claim that their selection of "best launch options" are. You will find lots of guides on the internet claiming that certain configurations of launch options are the best, but the reality is at best, those launch options are best for the person writing that guide. This is important because these factors, among many others, will affect what launch options are right for you. Chances are, very few people have the exact same configuration of hardware, software, and internet connection as you.

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